Monday, September 12, 2016

Welcome to My Library

Hey there, Book Woman here. Or should I say, Super Book Woman! That's right, I'm super. Some would even say that I'm a legitimate superhero, but that's very subjective and up for debate. Aren't we all super in some way(s), to some people(s)? I think so, and I think we should celebrate our super-ness with names to match. Therefore, my name is Book Woman. Welcome to my ever growing library.

When perusing the shelves in here, you would most definitely notice some very worn out books that grace the most easily obtainable shelves. You know, the shelf right at eye-level, where your arm barely has to do any work to reach the book, pull it down, and peruse it for the best parts because you've read it one million times already. For those literature inclined people of the world like me, there are always a few books that seem to define them, stick with them, and never leave them. So much so that everyone knows their relationship with these books like it's posted in their relationship status on Facebook, and every time any post or ad pertaining to that book graces the face of the internet 27 people share it to their wall or tag them in it. It's beautiful!

On my shelf, you might notice worn out titles like,

  • Dog on the Couch: How to Deal After You've Let Your Pets Start Calling the Shots
  •  Gluten is Delicious, But Wants To Kill You: Life After Celiac Disease
  • Air Force Wifing for Dummies

 and duh, the entire Harry Potter Series. These books grace my life every single day in some way, and I am more super because of it!

I'll say it again: my library is ever growing with short stories and novels and biographies and travel books and blurbs from magazines and notes written on napkins. These stories and blurbs define me, and make me who I am. As Super Book Woman, they help me conquer evil in the world! If you'd like, I'll share my favorite books about food, family, pets and this crazy life with you and eventually you'll be part of my library too.

Welcome to Book Woman Blog!

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