Tuesday, September 20, 2016

Book Woman the Military Wife

Hey there, humans. My weekend and beginning of the week has been crazy! In a good way, but still crazy nonetheless, and my schedule I set out for myself for writing and posting on here has already gone out the window. I should have known. Oh well!
Despite my super busy few days of moving houses (Clarification: moving my STUFF and myself from house to house, not physically moving houses), I kept thinking of a comment made to me when I went to donate my books to the library.
I have oft lay in bed for my 1 to 2 hour pre-sleep session of stress-thinking and replayed the following moment in my brain.

I hand the books in small piles to the woman. She proceeds to take the stacks and rifle through them quickly. 
She asks, "Have you lived here long?" 
"Just over a year. I moved here after I got married two summers ago."
She smiled and said matter of factly, "You struck me as a military wife."

My face all the time after
 I say"Yeah," in a conversation.
At the time, I simply smiled sheepishly and said, "Yeah," with a weird breathless laugh because that's how I respond to everything in life, but now I wonder, what did she mean?!

Of course, I am married to an Airman, so her assumption was correct, but hey, it's 2016, and maybe I'm supposed to be offended by her assumption?

What if, in fact, I am the one in the military and I just so happened to get orders here immediately after I was married? How dare she assume that I am unfit to serve. (Except I am--Celiac Disease is no joke!)
What if I moved here because I like to live life on the edge and heard about the giant earthquake and tsunami that's supposed to wipe out the Pacific Northwest any day now?  (This is the opposite of the truth. I am terrified every day.)

Also, what about my appearance tipped her off?
I didn't wear any makeup that day--is there some stereotype about bland faced military spouses that I don't know about?

I don't really know what exactly made her make that comment. Perhaps it was a lucky guess. And obviously it doesn't really matter. It was neither insult nor compliment, but I can't help thinking that it was kind of weird? That's gotta be why it stuck with me for many days now.
Or maybe that means I'M the weird one. <--That seems like the more likely explanation here.

Anyways, on another note, during our move, the Uhaul leaked (it rained all morning while we moved and has hardly rained since. Of course.) in one corner and of course, it was my book box corner!
I was horrified when I saw the bottom of my book boxes sopping wet, and immediately opened them up to perform emergency surgery. By the grace of God, the bottom books were only slightly damp.
The cardboard sopped up most of the water before it seeped through all the way! Hallelujah! With that potentially catastrophic moment passed, my heart quit racing and I unloaded 10 billion boxes and pieces of furniture. How the heck did we get so much stuff in such a short time?

As I am indeed a military wife, I think next time we move we'll have the Air Force do it for us!

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