Saturday, November 5, 2016

For Your Entertainment: My Weird, Recurring Dream

I have weird dreams all the time. Most of the time by lunchtime they're all out of my head, except for the terrifying ones that stay with me for daaaaaaays and haunt me. But I also deal with a few recurring dreams. For example, my teeth often fall out as I eat or talk in my dreams, and ever since I was young I dream I get locked in the attic of the Trunchbull's attic (who is my babysitter), but the furniture comes alive in a Beauty and the Beast-ish twist and it saves me. We dance down the street as we run away after thwarting Trunchbull.

Pretty entertaining, right? And that one happens the SAME each time. It's very specific.

But I also consistently dream that I am in the place of Harry Potter in some situation or other. I've defeated the Basilisk in the Chamber of Secrets, watched Cedric die in the graveyard (sob), and tons of other crazy things. The kicker is that I always know what's going to happen though in these dreams, and it makes it much more stressful and infuriating trying to keep bad things from happening.

So now, BEHOLD, the most frustrating, weirdest version of my Harry Potter immersion dreams:

The people of Hogwarts usher me down a golden elevator to an underground banquet hall that looks eerily familiar to the Great Hall. To the left is a door that leads to a platform for the Hogwarts Express, but SURPRISE, the train flies. I thought we took an elevator down, but we are actually in the air somehow????

In the banquet hall I am met by death eaters who are oddly hospitable. This is a feast, a dinner, before I go to meet Voldemort for our final battle. They cook me dinner. They even make sure it's gluten free! It's a delicious feast with rolls, roast duck, and pumpkin juice, but I can't eat because I'm shaking in my boots about fighting Voldemort. 

As the dinner ends, the Death Eaters become more hostile and antagonize me with remarks about me soon being dead. This is when I realize I don't have my wand! They laugh as they walk across the banquet hall to the large double doors to join the Dark Lord for the impending battle, and I scramble around with Molly Weasley, Ron, Hermione, ad Ginny looking for my wand. 

The Hogwarts Express zooms up to the door/portal in the sky and Dobby, who is the conductor, tosses me my wand. Hurrah! 

But when I try to do some spells, I remember that I'm a squib and am not very good at magic! The horror! But I must go on anyways. 

When I go through the hall doors, I find myself in a large white master bedroom that's quite dark. Dusky dark. I immediately sit down beside the bed and sob because I know Voldemort is in there somewhere. Suddenly, the room lurches and zooms backwards as if it's being dragged by a trailer. 

Then I find myself in a HUGE hall with tall ceilings. Death Eaters are flying around and in what would be a choir loft I see Voldemort. I shoot killing curses at him over and over while dodging his and the death eaters, but they just bounce off of him! 

And with each curse, my wand grows shorter! When it's no more than a nub, I flee to the large multi stall bathroom off of the room and lock myself in a stall. There are people everywhere in there--what the heck!?

But yay, there are birthday candles and matchstick dispensing machines in the stall with a metal "lighter" attached to the wall behind the toilet. (????) Inserting the match or candle like a credit card will light it so you can use it as a temporary wand. 

But alas, my lighter isn't working great and I keep dropping my lit matches in the toilet! 

Finally, a kind stranger enters my stall and lights a large match for me, and when I walk out of the stall to try and kill Voldemort with the match/wand, a tiny old couple is waiting for me with a package wrapped in white parchment paper. They hand it to me silently and gesture at me to open it.

When I do, it's full of black throwing knives and ominous looking black wands to choose from. As I look up to thank them, they disappear and I have no idea who the heck they were. 

Nonetheless, I choose some knives and a couple wands incase they decide to shrink again, and charge out to meet Voldemort! 

It only takes one more move from me for him to die. 

I throw the smallest of the black knives at his chest, and as it flies through the air, I shoot a killing curse at the knife causing it to catch fire, and as the cursed knife meets Voldemort's chest, it buries itself deep and then he bursts in to flames. In a matter of seconds, he is reduced to a pile of ashes, and then I wake up!

What???? Someone please interpret this dream for me and tell me why I keep having it!

Anyways, I hope you enjoyed this rather long and ludicrous post about my insanity!

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