Friday, October 7, 2016

In Case I Never Write My Books: A Dedication

As is common knowledge to most people who know me, I am an aspiring writer (see my previous blog post about the first story I ever wrote!). However, I suffer from severe procrastination and writer's block. I'll get an outline done, or a few chapters, and then get stuck and give up for a day or a few years.

Despite my problem with finishing my books, I don't have any problem planning my future book dedications. Yes, I get a little ahead of myself. So just in case, here's a few from my list of the multiple book dedications I have planned out for the future.

To my third grade sack lunch table: You guys were not only fabulous lunch buddies of all ages, but you were the first people I ever shared my writing with. The first short story I ever began was called "The Fat Prince" and it was about a young prince who ate too many Cheetos and turned into a ball. It was a real problem for the kingdom, because then he just rolled and bounced around the kingdom, toppling structures and injuring people.

I pitched this story to you all at lunch one day, and we all laughed until we cried. I always loved to read, but that day, I realized I was a pretty dang good writer too. As we got in trouble for laughing too hard in the lunch room, I knew I wanted to continue to write and make people react to my words and stories. Thanks for the laughs and inspiration lunch buddies!

To Sarah, one of my fellow readers: I shared "The Fat Prince" with you too, but not at lunch. Instead of laughing at it, you told me it was good, and proceeded to edit the grammar throughout. I remember being a little peeved because it was OBVIOUSLY a rough draft, but then later realizing I needed to be a more careful, intentional writer and avoid mistakes. Thanks, friend. You've always been my fellow bookish nerd and it's wonderful.

Also, I've told you multiple times that someday I would dedicate a book to you, so here ya go. This might just be as good as it gets!

To Brandon, who doesn't like to read but reads what I write anyways. This is a testament to your love for me, and you motivate me to be a better writer. Why? Because someday I'll write a book that even you will like to read. :)

Well, there you have it. Don't worry if you're reading this and I've promised you a dedication or you feel you deserve one. I've got plenty more. My goal in life is to indeed write many books and truly place these dedications right smack in the front for the world to see, but if that giant earthquake that's supposed to wipe out the pacific northwest comes tomorrow, at least a few got out into the world.

Here are some funny book dedications for your Friday.

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