Sunday, October 16, 2016

Harry Potter and My Sisterly Senses

Some weekends are more beautiful than others; this last one was one of those! Why, you may ask? Well, Freeform did this beautiful thing where they only show Harry Potter movies and it sure warmed my cold, muggle heart. Or perhaps since I'm American, my cold No-Maj heart.
Me when I see Harry Potter on TV.

I'm one of those people that likes to have the TV on CONSTANTLY. It keeps me company when I'm home alone, and makes cleaning and cooking and painting cabinets and remodeling the kitchen (stay tuned for a blog synopsis of our ridiculous DIY kitchen remodel in the next few weeks) less of a chore. So, on Harry Potter weekends, whichever one is on, I'm watching it--even if I finished the same one the night before prior to going to bed! Oh, they just never get old! In fact, when I hear that beautiful theme music I get lots of emotions welling up in my chest--but the emotional and lifelong impact Harry Potter has had on me can be covered in a different post.

Now, on this Harry Potter weekend, I seemed to consistently turn the TV on to the 6th lovely installment: The Half Blood Prince. At the point in the movie after Harry has successfully acquired Slughorn's memory which reveals that VOLDEMORT HAS CREATED 7 HORCRUXES THAT MUST BE HUNTED DOWN TO DESTROY HIM, he and Dumbledore exit the memory full of distress at this revelation. Watch the video here and pay close attention!

I don't know how I missed it all the other times I watched this movie, but when I watched this scene, I realized that THIS was the exact moment that Dumbledore realizes Harry is indeed a Horcrux himself. Did you notice his reaction after Harry touched the ring and it spun out of control?

"But Magic, especially dark magic,"
*ring spins and visions flash*
*Dumbledore pauses and looks at Harry with masked astonishment*
"...leaves traces." 

And did you notice Dumbledore notice Harry's weird neck crick after he touches the dark object? If you think back to the previous movie, Harry does that weird neck crick all the time when Voldemort's getting inside his head. This is where Dumbledore knows that Harry indeed has part of Voldemort's soul inside of him. 

I was pretty astonished and pumped up when I noticed this, just because I love it when all the dots connect. But even more amazing is the fact that the next day, when I was once again watching this movie, my sister texted me with the exact same revelation!

The moment our sisterly
senses connected.

The only explanation is magic, because we live 1500 miles away and had never made this connection before. And we've watched this movie multiple times together, sitting on the same couch.

WHAAAAAAAT? Sister senses for the win!

Anyways, maybe it's not that cool to you, but any time two of my favorite people--Harry Potter and My Sissy Poo!--mesh together so beautifully, I just have to shout it to the world!

Now, if you wish to get the FULL effect of this revelation, you'll need to watch all 8 movies, then watch the 6th one 3 times back to back, and then you'll understand. Better get started. 

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