Thursday, October 13, 2016

How To Survive Without Electricity

Well friends, I'm preparing for an apparently apocalyptic storm here in Olympia. Everyone is so excited about the weather that's about to unfold! And when I say excited, I don't mean people are necessarily looking forward to the oncoming torrents of rain and gusts of wind that will rip out evergreens and throw them at houses. But there is indeed excitement and hype. I was in a middle school science class today, and all the kids were upset because if the power goes out tonight, school will likely be cancelled Friday. Turns out that they already had Friday off for predetermined reasons, so this is a big disappointment. They were hoping for the power to go out last night. It's much more fun to be able to get out of obligations like school or work than for your long weekend to be ruined. I feel ya, kids.

Anyways, I've created a short list of essentials to make sure you have just in case you're out of power for an extended period of time.

1. A Headlamp
I suggest getting a few of the cheap, $1 headlamps at Walmart. Don't use flash lights. Head lamps are best because when you go to search for your books to read when the TV doesn't work, you can use both hands to rifle through them. Also, when you go to read you book(s), holding a flashlight in one hand is THE WORST. Your pages flutter around and don't stay in place and just erg. Get the head lamp. Luckily I already have a  few of these because I use them to read in bed at night like a cyclops.
*It's also super fun to use head lamps because every time you look at someone you blind them--yahoo!
An actual picture of me
heading to bed to read.

2. Cookies
Let's be honest. You never keep a batch of cookies long enough for them to go bad anyways, but this is your excuse to buy a bunch or make a million batches before your oven is out of commission. It's all about surviving the storm, guys. Cookies don't go bad, but milk does. And you can't just drink milk without cookies. It's all to make use of the milk that will spoil in your warm fridge.

3. Dog Potty Pads
You know your dog(s) aren't going to go out in the rain storm to do their business. Just prepare.
Or you can try to prepare your pets this way, too.

4. A Wall
Pick a wall. This will be your entertainment wall. You get to look at it when you run out of books to read and your phone is dead with no way to recharge. You could draw on it if you wish, but that is not advised. Refrain from banging your head on the wall out of boredom.

Well folks, that's it. Get ready for a weekend of pioneer living with no electricity or technology. But also, calm the heck down because I'm pretty sure you'll survive without the internet.

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